
Mission Statement
Hysham Public Schools believe that learning needs to be student-centered and highly challenging. This involves students, parents, community, and administration actively working together using innovative techniques ensuring all graduates will possess 21st century skills. With frequent monitoring of curricular progress, students will become proficient in problem-solving and critical thinking. We are committed to developing a deep level of trust and understanding through effective communication in a safe atmosphere that acknowledges diversity, compassion, encouragement, respect, and interconnectedness.
Vision Statement
Actively working together, building trust, and shaping highly performing students, our school community assures an atmosphere of learning for all.
82 Students
10 Certified
8:1 Student-Teacher Ratio
3 Teacher
95% Attendance Rate for Students
Committed to Academic Excellence
Hysham Public Schools are fully accredited from kindergarten through 12th Grade, by action of the Montana Board of Education.
We offer a variety of elective classes to students including band, chorus, Agriculture, Spanish, paper/annual and much more through MSU-B.
Our students participate in a variety of after school activities, including Future Farmers of America (FFA), student council, pep club, pep band, honor band, honor choir, volleyball, football, basketball, wrestling and track.