Hysham Public Schools is committed to serving nutritious lunches that taste delicious.
Hysham Public School offers students breakfast and lunch.
Breakfast is $2.00.
The cost for lunches is:
$3.00/meal for grades EK-6th
$3.25/meal for grades 7th -12th
$3.50/meal for adults
Elementary students (EK-6th) receive an afternoon snack, provided by the school.
Beef-to-School Program
Hysham Public Schools participates in a Beef-to-School program that provides students with fresh local beef. The Hysham Beef-to-School program is sponsored by the Treasurebelles. We appreciate all those who donated beef or donated money towards the processing costs.
Free and Reduced Meal Program
Application forms and guidelines for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program are available in the main office as well as online (printable version). Forms are mailed with the enrollment packets at the beginning of the school year. Anyone having questions regarding the school lunch program is encouraged to contact the school office at 342-5237. Links below will take you to the website for the Office of Public Instruction where you will find more information about the state and federal lunch programs. At this time, we do not participate in the online application process.