Rebels Athletics

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Thu Jan 25 03:55 PM

Athletics are not just super fun, it teaches students confidence, teamwork, fair play, respect, work ethics and sportsmanship. Find the complete set of athletic rules and expectations by clicking on the Activities Handbook below.
Activities Handbook
Physical Forms
Rebel Athletics made its debut in 2013 by combining two storied schools, both with rich histories of success, pride, and rivalry. The communities of Custer and Hysham combined the sports activities of football, volleyball, basketball, and track in an effort to allow their young people to continue being student athletes and experience the highs and lows of competitive play.
Sports Co-Op Meeting Agenda
Brad Hoffman resides at the helm of the football team. He has coached for many years and continues to enjoy passing on his knowledge to his players. Recently, the Custer-Hysham Co-op added Melstone to the football mix, resulting in a 3-way Co-op. This addition boosted player numbers from 11 to 24. Knowing there will be some growing pains along the way, the Custer-Hysham-Melstone Rebels hope to put together some solid seasons in the future. The junior high team is led by TJ Smith, who just completed his 3rd season with the Rebels. TJ’s focus is on fundamentals and skills, as well as playing time and sharing his passion for the game.
The volleyball girls are guided by Laura Lyons. This past season was Laura’s 2nd season with the Lady Rebels. The girls are relatively young and are improving with each season. They are a fairly competitive bunch of young ladies who have high hopes of reaching the state tournament in the near future. The junior high girls are coached by 1st timer, Jackie Reeder. She is hoping to pass on her love of the game to the younger girls, while helping them prepare for Coach Lyons and high school ball.
Rebel wrestling is in its inaugural year and is proving to be an interesting endeavor. One male and two female high school wrestlers are hoping to show just what a small group of athletes can do. Although a first-time coach, Jeff Duncan is no stranger to the wrestling arena. He brings a wealth of knowledge through first hand experience, as well as involvement in AAU wrestling and “chasing” his son throughout his career. TJ Smith tackled the junior high team. With help from Jeff, his boys had success during their relatively short season, with a few of them qualifying for the Billings City Finals. We expect this program to continue to grow in the next few years. The elementary population is fairly high with quite a few students participating in AAU Wrestling.
The basketball teams are moving forward under the direction of 2nd year coach Boe Meredith and 6th year coach Jordan Strecker. Boe has taken on the task of molding a small group of boys into basketball machines and is making great strides on the court. With 1 ½ times the number of girls, Jordan has a bit more flexibility in his approach. The ladies are hoping to build on their divisional appearance from 2020 and make the season last a bit longer this year. Junior high coaches David Perkins, Annette Ruff, and Brady Ruff strive to instill basic fundamentals and skills into their programs, thus bolstering the high school teams as students move through grades.
Faith Dyrud leads the girls and boys track teams. With a relatively small group of student athletes, they consistently manage to qualify for divisional and state track meets. This year’s team numbers should rise to the mid teens, which is up significantly from four last year. We look forward to this batch of tracksters representing the Rebels!